50 Years

In the fall of 1970, Steve Crossett was a rudderless student at the university of Oklahoma drifting through his sophomore year, enjoying new found freedom, going to classes, playing in bands, and trying to avoid the draft.  That year he met a likeminded fellow with the intriguing name of Buffalo.  They bonded over music initially when he was asked to play drums in Buffalo’s band “Sailor”.  The group only held together for a couple of years but their friendship has lasted over 5 decades. 

Now Buffalo goes by the more reasonable name of Terry Ware (although Buffalo is still his “middle” name)

Crossett eventually found his scholastic bearing in OU’s art school getting a BFA in painting.  In the early days of their friendship, he did posters for the band.  He did his first album cover in 1977 and has done the artwork for all of his subsequent releases, producing logos, posters, and various other pieces along the way.  It has been an entertaining journey and has created a cache of materials large and small, 2D and 3D.